The Joy Project (Free Book)

This week I launched my third solo book, titled, The Joy Project: A True Story of Inescapable Happiness.

The new book is short — 120 pages — but in those few pages I attempt to dive into the most profound story ever told in the universe, the story of God’s Sovereign Joy.

The Joy Project also fulfills of a dream of mine to write and publish a full book free of charge to the world. The dream has become a reality thanks to the financial donors behind, and so it seemed appropriate to dedicate the book to these many men and women around the world who support our daily labors.

You can download the book right now, free of charge, in three digital formats, at

7 thoughts on “The Joy Project (Free Book)

  1. Dear Tony – Thank you so much for writing The Joy Project and for making it free. I am almost through it and will re-read it many times, I am sure – as well as pass it on to those I teach/mentor/friends,. etc. Thank you. I am reformed, but not a theologian. As I was reading, I can’t help but ask (and maybe no one can answer this but God and when I get to Heaven it will all be made clear and I will have no questions!), I just don’t understand – due to the immensity of God’s Love and His Joy that knows no bounds – why wouldn’t He choose everyone? I think of your illustration of your daughter with the hamster – if she had no limitations regarding space, parent’s refusal, money to care for them, she would probably buy all those that she could find! Just for the sheer joy of loving them! Why wouldn’t He quicken everyone’s hearts to desire Him, there would be more to glorify Him, more evidences of His beauty, grace, amazing-ness….maybe that is a mystery…

  2. Tony, Thank you! I read Lit! so long ago I need to revisit it now. I’m 50 pages into Newton and love it, love his honesty, humility, his brilliant mind and love for God. Just read your last Newton entry about your big takeaway from having spent so much time with him…loved it. Immediately wanted to read it again. You are a delight to read. I follow you on Twitter and saw your favorite writing books tweet, visited your blog for the first time and it’s like discovering a great restaurant. I do need to work, but I will be back. Thanks again, I look forward to The Joy Project.

  3. Karen, what a tremendous honor and blessing to receive a comment like this. You are a serious reader, and you clearly invest time to extract what I spent time to put into my books, and there’s really not a greater honor for an author to receive. A very sincere, thank you.

  4. Tony, I have read a lot of half books the last few years and say half because I never finish them! I absolutely love John Owen, Spurgeon, CS Lewis, Thomas Watson, George Mueller, Martin Luther commentaries…you the picture. :)

    But then there is John Newton.

    I was introduced to him by John Piper through a sermon I listened to on tenderness, just a little over a month ago. To make a long story short, it was exactly what I needed. And so of course I went to google in hopes of finding every single word and hymn he had written. Ive tried so hard to read books about some of the others I mentioned and, for me, the flavor just wasn’t there so when I saw your book about Newton on the Desiring God website, I just kept on moving. Lol :) But finally (maybe God made it irresistible) I ordered it and read it. The WHOLE BOOK! I love that this book is about Jesus through and through. You have managed to keep our idol hearts from becoming enamored with the awesome faith of John Newton to the magnificent beauty of Christ!!!

    The Joy Project was no different. First, while I completely believe in the reformed theology of TULIP, when I’ve read about it in the past, I always walked away feeling like I just read the entire instruction booklet on how to operate a microwave. Why do I need to know all that when I can just push a few buttons? And honestly when I first started reading and saw TULIP, I almost stopped. I AM SO GLAD I DIDNT! Wow! For me at least, God made it finally come alive through your words and thoughts. I was highlighting it so much I just finally told myself I’m just gonna have to read it again. And I was wearing my copy and paster out sending it to my friends!! They are now reading it. :)

    Just wanted you to know how much your writings mean to me. Not being a fan of the more modern day books because everything that’s said has been better said by an old Puritan, I am most definitely a fan of yours.

    Seriously appreciate all the time and effort you have put into glorifying The God that has loved me beyond words. Thank you!

  5. Wendy, this is an incredible testimony, and a wonderful encouragement to me. Thank you for sharing TJP. God sends notes like this at the right time, like this morning, when a large book project is staring at me and I need to get to work but I’m not feeling motivated to tackle the project yet. And then comes your note. Thank you Wendy. Thank you for reading my books, and thank you for the kind words and encouragement. You have ministered to me this morning. … Would you be interested in sharing this experience of the books in the Amazon book pages? I think what you expected in the books and what you found, would be a great blessing to many other readers. And if you could find a way to take these incredible words and format them into customer reviews at Amazon a lot more people would benefit from your comments. Just a suggestion. In either case, I appreciate you and this timely note. I must get on to writing. Blessings in Christ! Tony

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